Courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly, New York
Fingerprint smudges along the edge of the frame.
Smudges along the edge of the frame.
Smudges along the edge of the frame.
Sam Moyer
Glass paint, glass, Plexiglas, fabric, and brass frame
48 x 36 inches (frame)
This artwork is in excellent condition. A speck of dust was painted into the middle left edge of the work.
The frame is in fair condition. There are smudges and fingerprints on the edges of the frame and a few on the back. Some smudges appear to be created by paint while others are unidentifiable.
FCA Exhibition History
“Adam McEwen Selects: Exhibition and Sale to Benefit the Foundation for Contemporary Arts”
November 29–December 15, 2018
Gladstone Gallery
530 West 21st Street
“Sonia Louise Davis Selects: Exhibition and Sale to Benefit the Foundation for Contemporary Arts”
December 9-December 18, 2021
Greene Naftali
508 West 26th Street, Ground Floor
This work was donated by the artist in support of FCA's grant programs.