Past Programs
FCA Emergency Grants COVID-19 Fund
One-time, application-based $2,000 relief grants for contemporary, experimental artists whose performances or exhibitions were unexpectedly canceled or indefinitely postponed due to the pandemic.
Between March 13, 2020 and June 14, 2021, FCA disbursed 1,535 grants totaling $3,070,000 through the COVID-19 Fund.
FCA COVID-19 Bridge Fund
One-time, referral-based $1,500 relief grants for contemporary, experimental artists who had pressing financial needs in the wake of the pandemic.
Between April and December 2021, FCA disbursed 1,723 grants totaling $2,584,500 through the Bridge Fund.
Artist Relief
To support artists during the COVID-19 crisis, the Foundation for Contemporary Arts joined a coalition of national arts grantmakers who came together to create an emergency initiative to offer financial and informational resources to artists across the United States.
Early Grants
Between 1963 and 1992, the Foundation for Contemporary Arts made grants in response to the needs of artists and organizations who requested support. A comprehensive list of grantees from 1963 through 1993 can be viewed by clicking the link below; in 1993 the Foundation's core grantmaking programs were formalized.
Grants to Organizations
Between 1993 and 2014, the Foundation for Contemporary Arts made grants to organizations who presented and supported the work of experimental artists. A comprehensive list of Grants to Organizations recipients can be viewed by clicking the link below.